21 janeiro, 2010


Edição Nº1 - http://sodiumzine.com/mags/one/


As an element Sodium is always present in human life, it is used to produce light sources and also as an ingredient for our cooking's. It is part of the salt used as a seasoning for our food improving it's taste and also as leavening agent used in baking, making the dough rise and grow.

Sodium Magazine proposes itself to be a source of growth and motivation, an influence on the sense of taste and a source of illumination in the way it proposes to showcase the work of young creative's from several distinctive areas, bringing it to light.

Sodium Magazine is a place for those who work on design, (be it graphic, multimedia, fashion, industrial...) plastic or visual arts, illustration, photography and any other field where the end result is an image, to meet and showcase their work.

Join us on facebook.
The Founder: Luis Pinto

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Anonymous BALI said...

awesome magz!
thank you for sharing 0_0

21 de maio de 2010 às 13:09  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

deve ter razão, mas não percebi.... LOL

21 de outubro de 2010 às 15:25  

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  • Frases sob Observação:

    O que o dinheiro faz por nós não compensa o que fazemos por ele
    Autor: Flaubert , Gustave

    O mal existe, mas nunca sem o bem, tal como a sombra existe, mas jamais sem luz
    Autor: Musset , Alfred de

    Com o tempo, é melhor uma verdade dolorosa do que uma mentira útil.

    Autor: Mann , Thomas

    Nunca interrompas o teu inimigo enquanto estiver a cometer um erro.

    Autor: Napoleão Bonaparte

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